July 2024 | Paper Coloring Pages

Summer Activities for Kids & Quilters

Color It on Paper • A Fun Kids' Activity

We love it when our customers come up with something SO GENIUS that we just have to share it with everyone else.

Kelly D (@sew_crafty_mama on Instagram) reached out to us looking for a way to convert a quilt she created in PreQuilt into a blank, printed coloring page.

Our answer was, YES!, we have a Block Outline feature that will convert your quilt designs into outline drawings! But we were also curious what the use case would be, it takes so long to color things in by hand...

Well, guess what? Kelly uses the blank paper coloring pages as an activity for her kids! So while she sneaks in some sewing time on the actual quilt, her kids get to color their own version of it!

Thank you, Kelly, for sharing your clever use case for PreQuilt with us! To learn how you can do this, check out our Help Guide!

30 Days of Quilt Design

Rachel Hauser of Stitched in Color is hosting a fantastic creative summer challenge called 30 Days of Quilt Design. The event is free to participate and there are some fun prizes to win (including subscriptions to PreQuilt)!

Summer can often be a busy time that isn't always built for sitting in front of a sewing machine. That's what makes this challenge so great - you can keep your creative juices flowing without the pressure of finding time to sew. And better yet, once you do slow down in the fall and winter, you'll have at least 30 ideas to choose from to make!

You can create your 30 quilt ideas at any time until the end of September (you do not need to do this over 30 consecutive days).

We're grateful that Rachel has included us in her event and we love seeing what she's been creating in PreQuilt (like the Dear Roy sketches).

To learn more about the event, visit her blog here.

Last updated