April 2024 | Burnout
Post-QuiltCon Burnout & Free PreQuilt Course
What a Blast!
It's been awhile, hello again! I haven't even shared anything about QuiltCon! In a tiny little nutshell, I'd just have to say that I had the BEST time ever. Gar, the boys, and I were so busy in the booth and we got to meet so many wonderful people. I got to see my quilt hanging in the show and I received an awesome sticker from a really kind soul (@creatingquilts) that was very touching. I got to hangout with friends I only get to see at QuiltCon and my kid told us at the end, "I thought you guys used to make this useless app, but some of these people really seem to be into it." Perhaps our biggest conversion was our own kid! I have never before been so physically exhausted and emotionally elated.
Post-QuiltCon Burnout
Did you happen to see any Instagram stories or posts joking about QuiltCon withdrawals? I can 100 percent say that I definitely fell into some post-QuiltCon burnout and experienced some intense withdrawals! Can any of you relate?
Yes, I know, I know, I was just singing QuiltCon's praises in my last email! And I do truly believe every word I wrote. QuiltCon is one of the happiest places on earth for me. But I'm a sensitive little Cancer and the abrupt transition from the intense connection and inspiration of QuiltCon back to the hum drum of daily life hit me hard and once the adrenaline left I was completely burnt out. Hence no March newsletter, no AfterCon marketing, and very little beyond the bare minimum. I do apologize!
It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
PreQuilt recently hit its 6th birthday (which is crazy!) and if there's one thing I've learned about this business (and quilting in general) is that it's a marathon, not a sprint. And honestly, I think PreQuilt might be one of those Ironman things and every quilt I dream of making is a disjointed triathlon.
And I'm starting to come to peace with that. I've found that disconnecting from social media has helped me stop feeling "behind". Using task management tools like a planner or Asana have helped me manage the unrealistic expectations I have for how productive I can be. It also helps me keep all the balls from dropping. I try to get out most days for a run and I have a virtual accountability buddy (a new friend from QuiltCon - nice I could bring a friend "home" with me) to help keep me motivated. Do you have any tips that you have found helpful?
Free PreQuilt Course on YouTube
Well, it's not all bad news! One reason for my post-QuiltCon burnout was that I was working like a maniac right up until the doors opened. I really wanted to say to everyone who visited the booth that we had a FREE course on PreQuilt to help beginners get started.
If you're brand new to PreQuilt, I hope that this resource will help you get started with the basics of PreQuilt. We hope to have a couple additional courses out soon that focus on designer resources and advanced color play. But until then, I continue to add 'How To' tutorials as customer questions roll in.
Thank You!
One of the best things about QuiltCon was getting to meet so many of our subscribers in person. Being an online product and working from home can be pretty isolating at times, so it was such a treat to talk to people in real life!
But I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has used, tried, subscribed, or even told someone else about PreQuilt. We truly appreciate you and love seeing what you make in PreQuilt! Thank you!
Last updated