October | New Features!

It's Been a While!

Hello again! While it might seem like we've been really quiet and things have been slow, Gar and I have actually been up to a lot of work behind the scenes. With only the two of us, we tend to go deep in some areas and almost neglect others (sorry Instagram). While this is of course not ideal, it has allowed us to focus our time this summer and fall on a really big push of new features.

In the past we'd get so excited about a new feature that we'd push it live without doing extensive QA to minimize bugs. We also didn't build out any tutorials or help guides. Well, we're happy to announce that we've done a huge amount of QA and there are detailed Help Guides for each of these new features that have just been launched. We hope that this new round of features helps you and your quilting practice!

As our business grows and matures, we hope to be able to juggle it all. But for now, when we're quiet, it usually means we're working on the application and we hope to be able to share it with you soon! Time seems to fly by too fast and development takes longer than expected. But we hope to have a few more new features to you all before QuiltCon.

We'd like to thank you all for your support and for finding a place for PreQuilt in your quilting practice. We love seeing what you all are working on! Thank you again!

New Features

This round of new features and improvements are all focused on fabric and how it's used in PreQuilt. The next time you log into PreQuilt, you'll see improvements in:

  • Fabric Swatch Dimensions (Setting a width)

  • Cropping & Editing Fabric Swatches

  • Adding General Information & Yardage for Fabric Swatches

  • Tagging Your Fabric Swatches

  • Bulk Editing Multiple Fabric Swatches

  • Fussy Cutting & Rotating Fabric Swatches in Quilt Blocks

  • Rotating Fabric Swatch in Borders & Binding

Let's dive in a little bit for each of these!

01 | Printed Fabric Swatch Dimensions

We've taken the guestimation out of scaling your fabric in PreQuilt. Now you can set the width of your digital fabric swatch and PreQuilt will use that dimension to scale the digital fabric swatch properly wherever it's used in your blocks, borders, and binding. No more eyeballing the scale!

Help Guide:


02 | Cropping & Editing Printed Fabric Swatches

And while those rulers are helpful and essential to knowing how to scale your printed fabric swatches, we definitely don't want them popping up in our quilts. Now you can easily crop out the rulers or other elements from your digital fabric swatch. Whatever is outside the blue crop lines will not appear in your blocks, borders, or binding.

Help Guide:


03 | Additional Info & Yardage for Printed Fabric Swatches

We've also created an easier way to keep your digital fabric swatches more organized. Now you can add information like designer, collection, colorway, and SKU to each of your digital fabric swatches. You can also take note of how much of the fabric you have - or that you only have a fat quarter (FQ) of it. No worries, this is optional. The only mandatory field is a Fabric Name.

Help Guide:


04 | Tagging Printed Fabric Swatches

One more way to keep your printed fabric swatches organized and easily accessible in PreQuilt is our new tagging system. You can create up to 20 different tags to label your fabric swatches and each individual fabric swatch can be tagged with up to 4 different tags. This makes it super easy for you to shop from your stash when working on your quilt!

Help Guide:


05 | Bulk Editing Multiple Fabric Swatches

It can be quite cumbersome to input the same information over and over again or to crop out each individual ruler one at a time. Enter Bulk Editing! You can easily make the same edit, crop, tag, or input the same information to multiple fabric swatches at the same time. This is great for when you're uploading an entire collection of fabric swatches.

Help Guide:


06 | Fussy Cutting & Rotating Fabric Swatches in Quilt Blocks

We know that sometimes all you want to do is highlight a specific feature of a printed fabric (hello, Tula Pink). And now you can move your digital fabric swatch and rotate it so that you're able to customize how your digital fabric swatch is being used in your quilt blocks. It's the closest thing we have to fussy cutting!

Help Guide:


07 | Rotating Fabric Swatch in Borders & Binding

And last, but not least, we've also created a feature where you can rotate the direction (by 90 degrees) of your fabric swatches being used in your quilt borders and binding. This is a real game changer if you love using stripes in your borders or binding.

Help Guide:


Last updated